Unusual, uncommon, unconventional, different, unorthodox, odd, peculiar, abnormal, and out of the ordinary are all adjectives used to describe me by others over the course of my life. Sometimes it was meant as a term of endearment, sometimes not. I’ve discovered people will always have an opinion about YOU no matter what you say or do. This is especially true when you start to take massive action to change your life for the better and their position or standing feels threatened.
It’s a fact of life not everybody is going to be into you for one reason or another. That’s OK. The truth is, there are those who may not be in your corner and want what’s best for you. This is sad, but true.
On the other hand, there are those that do have your best interest at heart and enjoy helping you grow and prosper. When you find these angels, hold on to them really tight and don’t hesitate to learn from them and express your love and appreciation to them from time to time.
As 2021 approaches, invest in relationships, people, and opportunities that take you to the next level. Leave behind people who refuse to pick up the pace, people who constantly bring negative energy and drama to your doorstep, and people who are just satisfied with the status quo. Life is short, and no you don’t have all the time in the world. Make the mental leap from where you are to where you’d like to be – today.