For the the last seven years, I have posted something positive and uplifting on this platform to encourage others to live a more positive life. I did this primarily for my own positive mental disposition and good daily habits. As this effort comes to an end this December and another takes root, here are a few things I’ve experienced and learned along the way to posting positive posts daily.
1. The more positive you become or appear to be, the more people with negative mindsets will drift away from you. Because you do not fuel their anger, hostility, or insecurities, they subtly wean themselves away from you so they can maintain their negative disposition and lifestyle.
2. Somehow people forget I wasn’t born with a silver spoon and assume wearing a suit, getting a degree, and embracing peace and positivity makes you naive and gullible. Big mistake. It actually makes you a thousand times stronger. By avoiding pettiness, you stay focused on your daily grind and the issues that matter to your success.
3. The attacks or disagreements become indirect and sometimes fuel needless gossip. Of course there are those who try to draw you out to seek attention from you, which in my world results in a convenient block or unfriend-followed by a long yawn.
4. Then there are those who have said to me, “I just can’t be positive all the time.” Why? So you can be negative all the time? Crickets…
5. A lot of people equate positivity with monetary success. True. But being positive and happy is its own reward. It’s called peace of mind and tuning out and avoiding drama queens, kings, and negative naysayers. Life is better without negative energy and people around you.
6. Then there are those who interpret your positivity as an assault on their negative way of life. It is. Get over it. Positive people should push back against cruelty, hatred, envy, and jealousy that sometimes dwell in the hearts of men and women.
7. Next there are those who associate your positivity with being an ATM machine. They want to constantly make a withdrawal and never a deposit.
8. Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t have those who wish you ill will and misfortune. In fact, the more positive and successful you become in life, the more it fires up some people’s resentment, jealousy, and anger towards you. So what. Be successful and happy anyway.
9. Some people would rather see material on this platform of people complaining, cursing, and putting other people down. I do not. Images that provoke a negative response is sometimes preferable to those that show, particularly African-American men, in a more positive light. Post positive images or yourself and the world around you to infect social media with positive energy and good vibes. Change the stereotype by NOT playing the negative game. Dare to be different.
10. Another observation is the belief that being positive somehow you don’t have ALL the problems, issues, or BS that comes from other people and sometimes yourself. You do. But instead of reacting negatively to those things, you put into practice the age ole saying, “If you can’t change the problem or situation, change the way you view it.” This controls your reaction to it.
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