Today’s “Triple P” post or positive post for the posse is about AUDACITY.
1. the willingness to take bold risks.”
Are you audacious? Here are few ideas to help you live the life you deserve; to be more audacious.
BE BOLD. I’ve always been bold. Although when I was younger, it wasn’t called boldness, it was called being stupid. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. It’s all a matter of perspective I guess. I’m talking about “boldness of the mind.” The ability to make the mental leap from where you are, to where you want to be. Make the leap and grow your wings on the way down. Be bold.
BE FEARLESS. We all have fear in some form or fashion. But fear of the unknown is the root of ALL fear. Train yourself to overcome fear by asking yourself, “What’s the worst thing that can happen if I do this?” Conversely, you could ask, ” What will happen if I don’t pursue my dream, my greatness?” Be fearless.
DEVELOP GRIT. I can’t count the number of roadblocks I’ve had to overcome in life. When I reflect and think about it, most of the roadblocks were “Troy made,” plain and simple. Of course others have tried to stand in my way and distract, discourage, dishearten, and demoralize me. Today, most of them are friends, advisors, and even confidantes to me. Go figure. Collectively, these experiences caused me to be less intrepid, and more daring, displaying even more courage. Face obstacles and develop more grit. The more obstacles you overcome, the stronger you become.
Remember, be RELENTLESS in pursuit of your dreams!
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