Today’s “Triple P” post or positive post for the posse is about TINA TURNER.
We can learn a lot from this great woman. To be successful, she changed some things to make life work for her and not against her. Here a few pointers I learned from Anna Mae Bullock (Tina Turner’s real name).
1). SELF PERCEPTION. Develop a self image and “can do” attitude despite what’s going on around you. Change YOUR self perception to one of positive energy and outcomes.
2). THINKING. Change your thinking and change your life. New and creative ideas can reshape your thinking and alter your reality. Change YOUR thinking to master your emotions and mind.
3). CONFIDANTE. Pick the wrong life mate and your life can be a living…well you know. Pick the right soul mate and the sky’s the limit with respect to how far your combined energies can take the two of you.
In the end, love has got a lot to do with it. Positive self perception, progressive thinking, and a top notch person in your corner and you won’t need a private dancer. Ok…I tried to work the lyrics into the post, so cut me some slack people.
Remember, be RELENTLESS in pursuit of your dreams.
What is the “TripleP” Challenge?
More positive posts from Dr. Troy Nash here.
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