Remember, when you make the decision to do something with your life, all hell will break loose. Here is what you can expect.
1. Some members of your family will look at you like you’ve lost your mind. They will either embrace the new you, or feel threatened by your new mindset.
2. So-called friends begin to abandon you in droves making room for those new friends and acquaintances who want to grow with you.
3. If you have a husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend they are going to react to your new enthusiasm and zest for life one of two ways. They will encourage you and say let’s do this together or they will develop and harbor feelings of jealousy and envy toward you leading to the demise of the relationship.
4. If you do not have a soulmate, pick one that’s your intellectual and motivational equal so as to not waste a bunch of time, energy, and effort on meaningless relationships that aren’t going anywhere. Yep. I really did just say that.
Life is short, and you deserve all the joy and happiness that God has given you. Now go out and win.